Ficheru:Antigua and Barbuda - Location Map (2013) - ATG - UNOCHA.svg

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Català: Mapa de localització d'Antigua i Barbuda.
English: Locator map of Antigua and Barbuda.
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w:es:Creative Commons
Este archivo se encuentra bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 3.0 Unported.
Reconocimientu: OCHA
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  • pa remezclar – p'adautar la obra
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  • reconocimientu – Tienes de dar el créitu apropiáu, apurrir un enllaz a la llicencia ya indicar si realizasti dalgún cambéu. Puedes faelo de cualquier mou razonable ,pero non de manera que suxera l'encontu del autor pa ti o pal usu que faigas.
This map is part of a collection of 216 free country maps, created by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), to be used in print, web or broadcast products.

The ReliefWeb Location Maps released here are maps that highlight a country, its capital, major populated places and the surrounding regions.

Attribution Requirements

Using the map without modifications: ensure that the sources and the disclaimer are below the map. Credit as follows: "Credit: OCHA".

For use with alteration: remove the OCHA logo and disclaimer following any modification to the map, but keep the data sources as mentioned below the map. Credit the modified map as follows: "Based on OCHA map". You are responsible for the content of your map.

We are keen to receive your feedback and hear how you used OCHA's maps. We would be grateful if you would notify us by e-mail and share your work with us.

UN Disclaimer
The designations employed and the presentation of material of this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.


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269 896 Byte

254 píxel

254 píxel

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actual18:35 4 avi 2024Miniatura de la versión a fecha de 18:35 4 avi 2024254 × 254 (266 kB)ManlleusFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool ( Added translation for ca.
02:32 19 pay 2022Miniatura de la versión a fecha de 02:32 19 pay 2022254 × 254 (264 kB)Pengetik-AMFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool ( Added translation for id.
15:02 2 mar 2021Miniatura de la versión a fecha de 15:02 2 mar 2021254 × 254 (262 kB)Trần Nguyễn Minh HuyFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool ( Added translation for vi.
16:15 30 och 2014Miniatura de la versión a fecha de 16:15 30 och 2014254 × 254 (264 kB)Dyln1Removed watermark (right image this time).
16:10 30 och 2014Miniatura de la versión a fecha de 16:10 30 och 2014254 × 254 (307 kB)Dyln1wrong map, oops!
16:09 30 och 2014Miniatura de la versión a fecha de 16:09 30 och 2014254 × 254 (274 kB)Dyln1Removed watermark.
20:47 24 feb 2014Miniatura de la versión a fecha de 20:47 24 feb 2014254 × 254 (307 kB)Jeremybxslt v2b
20:44 10 feb 2014Miniatura de la versión a fecha de 20:44 10 feb 2014250 × 250 (688 kB)Pharos{{Information |description={{en|1=Locator Map of Antigua and Barbuda. {{OCHA map}}}} |date=February 2014 |source=UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) |aut...

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